Heffley Receives Committee Assignments for 2019-20 Session
HARRISBURG – Rep. Doyle Heffley (R-Carbon) today announced that he has been appointed to serve on the House Appropriations, Human Services, Tourism and Recreational Development, and Transportation committees for the 2019-20 legislative session. Heffley was sworn into office for another term in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives on Jan. 1.

“I am pleased to have been reappointed to the Tourism and Transportation committees, which deal with issues that directly impact Carbon County residents. Tourism is our region’s No. 1 industry, and there are a number of infrastructure improvement projects underway throughout the 122nd District,” said Heffley. “I also look forward to working with my colleagues on the Appropriations Committee in developing a budget that adequately funds the core services of government while holding the line on taxes.”

As all state budget legislation must originate in the House, the powerful Appropriations Committee is tasked with overseeing state government spending, state fiscal policies and developing a state budget each fiscal year.

The Human Services Committee has oversight of issues within the Department of Human Services and the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs, including legislation related to the opioid epidemic. The committee examines the delivery of human services and the challenges faced by individuals with physical and intellectual disabilities, along with those needing mental health services and drug and alcohol treatment.

The Tourism and Recreational Development Committee considers issues including travel and tourism promotion; the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission; scenic roadways; snowmobile and trail-related initiatives; amusement parks, fairs, carnivals and folk festivals; agritourism; hotel and lodging issues; recreational use of land and water; PA Wilds and many others.

Heffley, who spent several years in the transportation and logistics industry, will once again bring his private sector experience to the Transportation Committee. The committee is responsible for reviewing vehicle code regulations, mandatory insurance and coverage minimums, rules of the road, parking and local enforcements, mass transit codes, rail issues, PennDOT planning, oversight of the Pennsylvania Turnpike, airports, scenic highways and highway naming.

Representative Doyle Heffley
122nd District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Andy Briggs
RepHeffley.com / Facebook.com/RepHeffley